One of Fabri-Tech's all time best sellers is our balanced training system. Pictured below, it is available in regular size and mini. Consisting of a Surcingle, Caveson, Bit, Bit Snaps, Bit End Pulleys, Elastic Lines and Breeching, this system not only helps develop a proper headset, but it teaches your horse balance at different gaits.
When using only draw reins, you may achieve a corrected headset, but it cannot teach your horse to balance himself while helping to strengthen his back and neck muscles.
With the use of a unique breeching and caveson unit, our Balanced Training System helps to achieve a corrected headset and focuses on the important development of back muscles, thus improving balance.
You may order the 1132 which is our full Balanced Training System in brown ($144.50) or the 1133 which is the Breeching, Set of Lines and Pulleys ($55.50). For a mini Balanced Training System, order A1132 ($129.95).